Excel Basis knowledge For Beginner In MS Excel 2024

Excel Basis knowledge For Beginner In MS Excel 2024

Excel Basic knowledge

      You know what is Excel? Why is Excel is so important? If you are going to interview after 12:00, the first maximum question is, do you know Excel? You have heard the other thing, have you heard of advanced Excel? Why is Excel so important? This is a thing to know. Excel is a software which is done for an accountant. If you want to do an accountant, what does it mean? Accountant is to manage the company's account. We have said that the company has all the workers, all the employees, their transfer, their salary, PF, ESI, all that is managed. The bill formats, or the extra things that are there, or the company's progress report, all these things are done in Excel. If you are in the commerce field, then you need to learn Excel. If you are normally on the computer, after 12:00, then you will be asked, what is the maximum. So Excel is very important. You have understood that as an accountant, you should have Excel. It has ages cleared. Now, let's talk about Excel. It's a spreadsheet program, which Microsoft Company has made. Microsoft, the same Bill Gates, who was at the time the most wealthy man, so their company and their company have this software, Microsoft Excel, they have this software Microsoft Excel.

They have this. Now, this Microsoft Excel has a lot of things that you will learn point to point, and base to base, we will take all these things. First, we will come to the computer screen, and here, you have to simply type, window plus R. When you press window and R, run. In run, we will write Excel. If your system has Excel, then normally, after you have it, as soon as you have it, your Excel will start. As you can see, you can see an overview is where on the left-hand side, you can see recent. Recent means that these are the files that I have used recently, so I have a list. On the side, you can see something like a format. If you know how to run Excel, and you can get this format, then you can get this format. Now, we are beginners, because this is our first day, in one way. Normally, what we do is we go to the blank workbook. Here, there are a lot of things that you need to know. First of all, basically, there are a lot of things. I'm going to give you some important points, and point to point, we will take some more things.

            To make sure that you are not bored, and you can get all your things point to point. The first thing that comes here is a term, row or column. You have to remember row or column. You will know that this horizontal section, like this one, that I have selected, is called row. Here, you can see that 1, a row, 2 is a row, 3 is a row. It means that whatever horizontal pattern is a dragation, we call it row. So 1, 2, 3, 4, whatever this numeric bar is, we call it row. After, here, the vertical portion that you are able to see, we call it column. That means the A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, this alphabetic bar that you are seeing, this one. This is called column. Is this clear? So, what is row? This numeric bar is row, and this alphabetic bar is column. Now, here, one more. This question is asked a lot in interview, that the Excel sheet, normally If you are seeing this sheet, it's not that much. If you click on this option, it's going to go further. This page is going further. If you want to go down, it's going to go further.

            So one question is asked in the interview, how much row is it and how many columns are there? That is, the numbers that you are seeing, the 23 that is being shown, if I go down, how much is it? How much is its ending point? So one question is asked in interview.. You will be shocked when you click on this option, the whole sheet is selected and it will tell you that the counting that you are seeing here, till 23:00, is 10,48,576. You can see it up here. So there are so many rows in this. And here, 16,348, It means that if you count this one by one, and you go to the end, it is 16,384 columns are. So you have to be careful. If you want to check in your own system, you can click on this option. It will tell you that it is 10,48,576 rows, and 16,384 columns. It's clear, and it's 576 row and 16,384 column. It's clear? It's a very interesting thing. After that, all the boxes that you are seeing, basically, when row and column are in the same, they are a box. So these boxes are called This is what is called cell.

             You have to be careful. Inboxes, we call them cell. After, every cell is made with two things. It has a column and a row. As you can see, here is a G, column, and this five is a row. This cell's name is G5. This is the name box which shows you the name. Here, you will see I4, we have this name, B4. You will be able to see it in the name box. After, normally, whenever you select multiple cells, like I selected multiple cells, it is called range. You will be able to see it in the name box, that I have to tell you how much range I have selected. I have selected 12 rows and 5 columns selected. You are able to see here, normally, I select it. So A, B, C, D, 4 columns, and 2-7, meaning 6 rows. Next term, what confused me is what is the sheet and what is a Workbook? If you open Microsoft Word, your page is opening, the main is called a Document. In the same thing that you have opened Excel, your Excel file is called a Workbook. What is it? Workbook. It means that we have opened it, the overview that you are seeing, what is it called?

            Workbook. In this workbook, you can take multiple sheets. If you have Microsoft Word, if you have run it, you can take multiple pages, one more page. In the same way, we can take one more sheet. Normally, you can see here, I have sheet one. So this is one page. Now, here on the side, when you click on the New Sheet, then another new sheet, then the new sheet is coming. You can see, this is a separate Sheet. This is a separate Sheet. Why do we use it? It's a natural thing that on the same workbook, our company's workbook, in this workbook, I have shown that I have a salary sheet. What salary is it? What is it? What is it? What is it? That's it. And here, I have an attendance sheet. Here, I have something else. Here, I have something else. So in this way, you can take multiple sheets, and you can save many things in one proper file. So you have to be careful. This Excel file, this is what we call it workbook, and this is what you are seeing here, which is the pages that you can consider pages as pages.

            This is what we call it sheet. That's it for me. Now, the first thing, what you are seeing here is the whole arena is what I have seen. I have some basics for you. I have some basics for you. Which you should know, because if you are going to an interview, and many times, these basic questions are asked, what is the row, what is the column, how many rows and columns are there? So this is very important. After this, you can see the overview in the file, you can recall it. Here, the home, insert, page, layout, is called menu bar. What is it called? Menu bar. Here, all the options you are seeing, they are called tools. Basically, you edit, if you do something new, what is it? Tools. Here, in every section, in every tab, like you have an insert tab, you will find different tools. Page layout is different tools, formula is different tools, data is different tools, review is different tools. Formula, different tools. Data, different tools. Review, different tools. So you will find different tools. After this, I have told you about this box which tells you the cell or range of the name.

        After this, this is the formula bar. You normally, in Excel, you will insert a formula. We will see it in the video. We will see it in the video. We will see it in the video. So here you will understand it in a bit more practical. Here, you will understand the overview. What form you are typing. That whole thing will show here. Plus, this effects that you are seeing when you click on it, then section opens up. Insert function. If you want to put a formula, then you can put it here. So you can see this. So we will learn this now. You don't have to be confused. I have told you that this A, B, C, D series is called Alphabetic Bar, which is what we call Column. This one to format that you are seeing is Numeric Bar, which is what we call Alphabetic Bar. 1:2 format, you can see it. This is numeric bar, which we call row. All the boxes that you are seeing, we call it cell. The lower section is what we call sheet. This is your scroll bar, which means you have a page or the sheet from top to the bottom.

        You can see it from left to right. You can see that you can see some layouts. Normally, our layout, normal layout, is this. If you click on page layout, you will see different types of layout on different pages. I'm going to make it a little smaller, you can see.

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